The eight analysts that follow Rentokil Initial plc (LON:RTO) have assigned a “Moderate Buy” rating as their consensus recommendation on the stock, according to Marketbeat . Six financial analysts have rated the stock with a buy rating, one of which has issued a buy recommendation to investors. The average next 12-month price target among brokers that have changed their coverage on the company in the last year is GBX 606, which is equivalent to $7.32. Several equities research professionals have recently published research findings on RTO shares. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted their target price on shares of Rentokil Initial from GBX 590 ($7.13) to GBX 600 ($7.25) and gave the company an “overweight” rating in a research note issued on Thursday, August 4th. yours. Royal Bank of Canada maintained an “outperform” rating on shares of Rentokil Initial and set a GBX 645 ($7.79) price target on the company’s stock in a research note released on Wednesday, August 10th.
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft restated a “buy” rating and set a GBX 550 ($6.65) price target on shares of Rentokil Initial in a research note released on Wednesday, July 13th. Finally, in a research note on May 11th, Morgan Stanley reaffirmed their “overweight” rating on shares of Rentokil Initial. Early Results Price Structure RTO Shares of Rentokil started trading on Friday at GBX 540.40, which is equivalent to $6.53. The stock price is trading at GBX 504.19, which is above the 50-day and 200-day moving averages of 507.67. The company has a price-earnings ratio of 3,860.00, and its market value is 10,070 billion pounds. Debt to equity ratio is 264.09, quick ratio is 1.76 and current ratio is 1.88. The lowest price for Rentokil Initial in the last year is GBP 441.20 ($5.33) and the highest price in the last year is GBP 662 ($8.00). Rentokil’s initial reduction in dividend payments has also announced that the company will pay its dividend on September 12. The company has declared the dividend. Shareholders of record on Thursday, August 4th will be paid a dividend of GBX 2.40 ($0.03) per share. The day that shareholders will not receive a dividend is next Thursday, August 4. The resulting dividend yield is 0.46%. Rentokil Initial currently has a dividend payout ratio (DPR) of 45.64 percent. Key information about Rentokil Rentokil Initial plc and its subsidiaries conduct business in various regions around the world in addition to their own operations. These regions include North America; United Kingdom; the rest of Europe; Asia; and the Pacific Customers in the residential and commercial sectors can benefit from comprehensive pest control services, including removal of rats, flying and crawling insects and other types of animal management.